
Don’t just Sing for you, do it for your Health & Wellbeing too.

Have you been looking for an excuse to take up singing lessons but are yet to find one? Unfortunately, as adults we constantly find the need to justify our ‘me time’, rather than doing things just because we want to.

Well, luckily for those of you who need a better WHY than the old ‘it’s on my bucket list’, singing has also been proven to have a whole host of other health benefits.

More and more adults are ‘taking the plunge’ and deciding to learn how to sing later in life; and most of them have always loved singing but have never had the time, encouragement or opportunity to do so.

What kind of health benefits you might ask?

The UK telegraph reported:

“Researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, found that choristers’ heartbeats synchronise when they sing together, bringing about a calming effect that is as beneficial to our health as yoga… They showed that singing has a dramatic effect on heart rate variability, which is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.”

Now I’d say that’s quite a justifiable reason to want to work though Adele’s entire repertoire or maybe attempt a few of Beyoncé’s big ballads.

And that’s just the start of it. It’s no surprise that when you do something you love, you feel better than ever. Singers who take regular, ongoing lessons report feeling happier and more grounded in general. It’s a hard feeling to describe but you know instinctively that its ‘right’ for you. Plus, having an excuse to take that time out means you are more likely to actually fit it in.

There are also scientific reasons why singing makes people feel good; as TIME reports:

“The elation may come from endorphins, a hormone released by singing, which is associated with feelings of pleasure.  Or it might be from oxytocin, another hormone released during singing, which has been found to alleviate anxiety and stress. Oxytocin also enhances feelings of trust and bonding, which may explain why still more studies have found that singing lessens feelings of depression and loneliness. “

I even remember that a client once told me that they come to singing lessons each week because it’s “cheaper than therapy”.

So, if you have always wanted to sing, know that you are not alone. Our lessons are completely tailored to busy adult professionals like you and you will love having the support of working with your very own Vocal Coach to bring out your natural talents.

Of course, the number one question I get asked all the time ‘Can anyone learn to sing’ has a simple answer…. YES! People don’t realise that learning to use the voice requires the training of muscles, just like you would train any other part of the body.

Where you are at naturally and how much time you dedicate to practice will determine how quickly you progress, but don’t be quick to judge those off-notes without giving it a proper go first… most professional singers never stop training. I myself started lessons when I was just 8 years old!

In conclusion, if you have always wanted to sing (and in the words of Nike) Just Do It!

You never know what it might lead too.

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Office Hours

Our Adelaide CBD Office is open from 11am to 7.00pm Monday – Thursday and 11am to 5pm Friday.

Please note that we close on Public Holidays.

CLICK HERE for any holiday trading hours.

Lesson Hours

Voicehouse conducts lessons on weekdays during office hours.

We offer Off-Peak and Peak Membership pricing, which you can view here.

Book an Introductory Session to discuss a time that suits.


Level 1, 174 Gilles Street
Adelaide SA Australia 5000

Ph: 08 7226 8395

